Looking at these mastheads i noticed that most of them don't consist of more than two to three different colours. First i looked at Top of the Pops, the pink colour clearly indicates that the target audience was girls as pink is commonly associated with young girls, compared to something such as Billboard which contains a various colours in a a simple font, this suggests that the magazine is aimed at both genders at a more mature age most likely mid 20's. Kerrang is a more unique masthead as although there are simple colours of black and white, the font has been distorted, containing cracks all over, making it bolder and standing out more, you can suggest that it's aimed at men because of this as the cracks connote chaos which can be associated with men as they want to appear strong and powerful, capable of breaking things.
There is a rule when choosing colours in designing almost anything, you should really use more than three colours this is because it can make the logo appear cramped and over crowed making it more harder to look at than appealing, the less colours used the easier it is to remember the logo therefore making it more recognisable.
I recently then developed my mastheads further to blue from orange due to more feedback that i have gathered. It was pointed out me that my masthead appeared to be more pop or rap rather than R&B, R&B stands for rhythm and blues therefore i decided to change my primary colour to blue.
I wanted to make my masthead easily memorable so by using one colour and a simple font, just like the popular music magazine the 'Rolling Stones', the red colour and font is easily recognsable and remembered worldwide. I wanted to make my masthead relate to my target audience which is urban youth, the blue is a calming cold cold colour that conforms to the style of RnB, the style of music is calm and relaxing which is what i attempted to reflect in my logo.
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